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Sports Nutrition

Qsportsmedicine Dietitians

Accredited Practising Dietitians are recognised professionals with the qualifications and skills to provide expert nutrition and dietary advice. They know about food and health and can help you sort through the maze of nutrition information.

APD’s are qualified to advise individuals and groups on nutrition related matters. They also have clinical training to modify diets to treat conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, cancers, gastro-intestinal diseases, food allergies and intolerances and overweight and obesity.

Sports Dietitians provide advice on issues such as maximizing energy levels, eating to optimize growth and development, eating before competition, recovery, best fluid choices for exercise and staying hydrated, maintaining appropriate body fat levels, and eating when travelling. Sports dietitians assist Australians to make healthier food choices by providing accurate nutrition information based on scientific principles.

Sports dietitians have detailed knowledge and experience to help active people with the best nutrition advice. Some of the areas we advise on are:

  • Maximising energy levels for exercise
  • Eating to optimise growth and development
  • Maintaining appropriate body fat levels
  • Best fluid choices for exercise
  • Eating before competition
  • Recovery after training and competition
  • Eating when travelling
  • Appropriate use of ergogenic aids and dietary supplements

Currently at QSportsmedicine we have consulting dietitian Fiona Mann from Food and Movement available to see QSports patients needing nutrition and diet schedules.

See Qsportsmedicine profile on dietitian Fiona Mann.